(Listening Tour Announcement 2025 PDF document) The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC) is a planning and funding group made up of people with disabilities, and their family members, advocates, and state department representatives who work to create favorable conditions for Pennsylvanians […]
Input Needed for the Next PADDC 5-Year Plan
We need your help! Every five years, the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC) is required to create a State Plan to guide its work. Creating the plan involves gathering information about the current barriers and concerns faced by individuals with […]
Sen. Casey Requesting Statements for the Record on Guardianship
(Our Executive Director, Lisa Tesler, shares this important information from The Majority Staff of the Senate Special Committee on Aging) “In the near future, the Senate Special Committee on Aging will be holding a hearing on guardianships, conservatorships, protective arrangements, and […]
New Opportunity! Organizations are Encouraged to Apply for a Seat on the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council
The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC) is accepting applications from agencies that are local and nongovernmental, and private non-profit groups concerned with services for people with developmental disabilities that are interested in having a seat on the Council. Established through […]
PADDC Letter to Gov. Wolf and Covid-19 Vaccine Task Force: Need for State Support Plan for Vaccinating Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
In a letter to Governor Tom Wolf and the Vaccine Task Force, PADDC Executive Director, Lisa Tesler, outlines the initiatives needed to insure that Pennsylvanians with intellectual disabilities have full access, and the supports needed, to receive the COVID-19 vaccines. […]
Statement on Passing of Graham Mulholland, Former PADDC Executive Director
We are saddened by the passing of Graham Mulholland, a great leader and dear friend to many in the disability community. Graham served as the executive director of the PADDC from 1997 through his retirement in 2019. He was a […]
Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council- PADDC- Survey for Stakeholders
Hello, Pennsylvanians! The DD Council is developing our Five Year Strategic Plan and we need your help. We want to know what you think are the most important issues facing people with disabilities in Pennsylvania. The survey may take you […]
PADDC Pandemic Recovery Statement—May 27, 2020
Authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) in 2000 and guided by a vision to create inclusive communities where all people with disabilities are valued and thrive, the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council empowers individuals […]
Cancellation of April PADDC Meetings – COVID-19
In order to mitigate risk due to the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), PADDC is canceling our face to face meetings scheduled for April 15 and 16, 2020. This decision is based on the directive from the Governor’s Office to […]
Update On Federal Health Reform and Proposed Federal Rule
The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has issued an alert titled, “Update on Federal Health Reform! Proposed Federal Rule Threatens to Weaken the Affordable Care Act.” The alert discusses a proposed rule issued on February 21, 2018 by the U.S. Departments […]