From transportation to education, housing to employment, community accessibility to attendant care, the Council has worked to build a more inclusive Commonwealth in which all citizens could live an active and full life in the community of their choice. As a part of many of these grant funded efforts, a variety of materials have been produced that track these innovative efforts and create roadmaps and practical guidance that others might use. This information may help in finding supports to be an active member of society, to build community capacities or to seek systemic change in the way supports, programming and funding are available in Pennsylvania. Although many of these products have had a wide initial distribution, once the original grant end, further distributions of these valuable materials becomes inconsistent, dependent largely on the ongoing capacity of individual grantees to continue these efforts.
These items included printed materials such as manuals, journal articles, books, guidelines, vision documents, resource directories, curricula, etc.; or other media materials such as video productions, web-casts, television or radio programming, etc. An annotated bibliography and a searchable data base were developed to promote awareness and to allow access to these valuable materials.
How do I access Council Archive materials?
By clicking on the various links below, you will be able to access an annotated bibliography of archived materials that are housed in the Council’s Harrisburg offices.
You also have the option to use the searchable data base of materials to view additional information and to access links to those materials that are available on-line. This data base allows the user to search for materials by topic, title, author, year and keywords.
For those archive materials which do not have a direct link, you can use the contact us link to make inquiries to Council staff members regarding a particular archived item. Due to the historical nature and limited availability of some of these items, the Council is not offering a lending option for these materials. Materials can, however, be viewed and copied. Additionally, some multiple copies of materials do exist and are available for distribution. Please contact staff noted under this link for further information.