The PA Developmental Disabilities Council invites you to apply for funding in a number of objectives that are outlined in our 2017 Re-issued Request for Proposals Booklet. For those interested in responding to a particular Request for Proposal (RFP), this Booklet will provide all the instructions and materials needed to make an application. The objectives that the Council seeks to fund currently include:
- Community Opportunities for Younger Parents
- Cross Systems Navigator
- Meaningful Day Transitions
- Rural Responsive Resources
- School Culture
- School to Prison Pipeline
- Self-Advocacy Support
- Volunteer Rural Transportation Cooperatives
Each objective area will have a pre-proposal conference at which interested parties may ask questions regarding an objective and receive official answers from PADDC. The pre-proposal conferences are listed in the booklet at the end of each objective description.
Learn more about signifying your intent to apply, grant application instructions, and new requirements such as targeted disparity and generic social change by viewing or downloading the 2017 Re-issued RFP Booklet on our website.