National Council on Disabilities | National | an independent federal agency charged with advising the President, Congress, and other federal agencies regarding policies, programs, practices, and procedures that affect people with disabilities. |
National Organization on Disabilities | National | promotes the full participation and contributions of America’s 57 million people with disabilities in all aspects of life. NOD focuses on increasing employment opportunities for the 80-percent of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed. |
National Resource Center for Supported Decision Making | National, Supported Decision Making | The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making can help you find information on Supported Decision-Making, connect you with people and organizations that may be able to help you, and answer your questions.
Nebraska Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
NEPA Inclusive | State, Community Involvement & Community Living, Employment | NEPA Inclusive is a provider of support services for those with an ID Waiver in areas such as In Home and Community Habilitation Companion Services, Respite, and Supported Living services. NEPA Inclusive is a Vendor for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation in Community Based Work Assessments, Job Finding and Job Coaching. It is a provider of services for those with an ID Waiver through Supported Employment. Pre-Employment Transition Services (PETS) in Community Based Work Assessments, Job Shadowing, and Work Based Learning Experiences and direct contract with local school districts. The organization serves Luzerne, Lackawanna, and Wyoming Counties.
Nevada Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Planning Council | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
New York State Developmental Disabilities Council | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
Office of Child Development and Early Learning | State | focused on creating opportunities for the Commonwealth’s youngest children to develop and learn to their fullest potential. |
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services | National | |
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation | State | provides vocational rehabilitation services to help persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment. |
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Council | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
Online Provider Directory | Topic, Community Involvement & Community Living | select a service from the drop-down box below and click the Go button. The default will display all listings for the whole state. You may narrow your search by selecting a Region or County, and/or entering a zip code. |
Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities | Other Developmental Disabilities Councils by State | |
PA College Programs | Post-Secondary Education | This is a list of college programs providing post-secondary educational experiences on college campuses for students with developmental or intellectual disabilities. |
PA Department of Education | State | includes information about early intervention and special education |
PA Department of Health | State | |
PA Department of Labor | State | |
PA Health Access Network | State, Health and Insurance | Statewide consumer-driven organization working to expand and protect access to high-quality, equitable, affordable healthcare for all Pennsylvanians. |
PA Health Law Project | Topic, Health and Insurance | direct advocacy on behalf of individual consumers while working on the kinds of health policy changes that promise the most to the Pennsylvanians in greatest need. |