The artwork shows about a dozen people with their backs to us, each wearing a colorful cloak. Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, A World of Opportunities, #DDAM2024

It’s Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month! Let’s raise awareness of the inclusion and contributions of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life, while also acknowledging the work we still need to do to remove barriers. The 2024 theme is “A World of Opportunities,” a condition made possible when we commit to building communities where everyone can do well, succeed, and thrive.

Governor Josh Shapiro has issued a Proclamation for Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. It reads as follows:

WHEREAS, individuals with developmental disabilities come from diverse racial, ethnic, educational, social, religious, and economic backgrounds and are valued members of our Commonwealth who strive to enjoy an everyday life; and WHEREAS, Pennsylvanians with developmental disabilities and their families are working for equal inclusion, recognition, and appreciation of their skills, views, and abilities; and WHEREAS, our state focuses on person-centered approaches, community integration, personal choice, quality of service, health and safety protections, competitive employment, accountability in the use of resources, and innovation in service design; and WHEREAS, the rate of individuals with developmental disabilities enrolled for services engaging in integrated employment is 18% throughout our Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, educational opportunities for those with developmental disabilities continue to grow with the implementation of training programs and inclusive secondary education certificate programs at our institutions of higher learning; and WHEREAS, the collaboration between the Information Sharing and Advisory Committee and the Department of Human Services continues to develop, build, and strengthen recommendations for change to services and supports; and WHEREAS, the Department of Human Services continues to offer accessible training initiatives and services that allow individuals with developmental disabilities to increase their knowledge and participation in advocacy, support, and disability services; and WHEREAS, Pennsylvania continues to be at the forefront of change in building an inclusive Commonwealth where all citizens can live and work as part of inclusive communities. THEREFORE, I, Josh Shapiro, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim March 2024 as DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AWARENESS MONTH and encourage all Pennsylvanians to support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through all aspects of our communities. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Governor, at the City of Harrisburg, this sixteenth dayof February two thousand twenty-four, the year of the Commonwealth the two hundred forty-eighth. Governor Josh ShapiroWHEREAS, individuals with developmental disabilities come from diverse racial, ethnic, educational, social, religious, and economic backgrounds and are valued members of our Commonwealth who strive to enjoy an everyday life; and

WHEREAS, Pennsylvanians with developmental disabilities and their families are working for equal inclusion, recognition, and appreciation of their skills, views, and abilities; and

WHEREAS, our state focuses on person-centered approaches, community integration, personal choice, quality of service, health and safety protections, competitive employment, accountability in the use of resources, and innovation in service design; and

WHEREAS, the rate of individuals with developmental disabilities enrolled for services engaging in integrated employment is 18% throughout our Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, educational opportunities for those with developmental disabilities continue to grow with the implementation of training programs and inclusive secondary education certificate programs at our institutions of higher learning; and

WHEREAS, the collaboration between the Information Sharing and Advisory Committee and the Department of Human Services continues to develop, build, and strengthen recommendations for change to services and supports; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Human Services continues to offer accessible training initiatives and services that allow individuals with developmental disabilities to increase their knowledge and participation in advocacy, support, and disability services; and

WHEREAS, Pennsylvania continues to be at the forefront of change in building an inclusive Commonwealth where all citizens can live and work as part of inclusive communities.

THEREFORE, I, Josh Shapiro, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim March 2024 as
and encourage all Pennsylvanians to support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through all aspects of our communities.

GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Governor, at the City of Harrisburg, this sixteenth dayof February two thousand twenty-four, the year of the Commonwealth the two hundred forty-eighth.
Governor Josh Shapiro