Our grantee, Nationalities Service Center, announces the release of a provider resource
“Country Primers on Disabilities”
A Resource for Providers Working with Refugees and Immigrants with Disabilities
This resource highlights country background and resources for refugees and immigrants with disabilities in their country of origin. Specific to the countries of Afghanistan, Bhutan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Syria, these resources focus on what education and services were available to people with disabilities in that country, and the stigma associated with having a disability in that culture. The intent of the resource is to educate providers working with refugees and immigrants with disabilities.
These resources can be found on Nationalities Service Center’s website or from the document section of the PADDC website.
Questions about the resources or about the grant project working to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees with disabilities can be directed to Christina Kubica, Refugee Health and INSPIRE Program Manager, at ckubica@nscphila.org.
This project is funded by a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.