PA Disability Community FY 2024-2025 Budget Priorities

In the Spring of 2024, the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC) convened leaders from the disability community to talk about Governor Shapiro’s proposed state budget. The group included self-advocacy organizations, family advocates, Centers for Independent Living, statewide groups, and our DD Act partners. Participants shared what was important to them in the state budget, and a few recommendations were made to improve areas. The Council documented these discussions and invited groups to sign on in support of the outlined priorities. Our organizations believe these budget investments and priorities will support individuals in achieving self-determination, equity, and access to essential services and opportunities.

This disability focused resource document can be used to drive conversations with decision makers for the benefit all Pennsylvanians. Please share this PA Disability Community FY 2024-2025 budget priorities letter of support when interacting with legislators.


Department of Human Services:

We support and request your support for the following proposals from the Governor’s Budget in the final budget:

  • Increase to Home and Community Based Waivers in the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP):
  • $214 million for rate increases. Include accountability mechanism to ensure funding goes to the DSP workforce wages. Also include workers who are hired in Participant Directed model and Support Service Professionals (SSP) wages.
  • $34.25 million Waiting List Initiative to serve people on the Emergency List. New waiver capacity will serve 2,500 in Community Living waiver and 650 people in Consolidated waiver between now and June 2025.

We recommend the following items be included in the final budget that were not in the Governor’s Budget:

  • Increases to the funding in the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL).
    • Support assessing rates to increase funding for workforce wages. Pay should be equitable across programs and counties for the direct support workforce.
    • Increase wages by 10% immediately for Personal Attendant Services (PAS), Adult Day Programs, Residential Habilitation Services and Employment Services. Support budget increase to expand programs and serve more people.
    • Require an in-depth rate setting study, to include all OLTL services, in the OBRA and CHC Waivers as well as Act 150. The mandated study should be conducted on the 2–3-year cycle and the recommendations should be made available to all interested parties.
    • Support adjustment of the Medicaid Fee for Service (FFS) rates to match the adjusted set rates and ensure the monies are delivered to providers.
  • Additional increases to Mental Health funding for counties. The $20 million will recoup losses from drastic cuts back in 2012 (this is 2nd year of $20 million). This falls short of current needs and must consider needs of those with dual diagnosis.
  • Small Increases to MATP program for transportation for people with disabilities.
  • Funding for legal services for Housing.

Department of Education:

We support and request your support for the following proposals from the Governor’s Budget in the final budget:

  • Increases to basic education funding to support all students.
  • $50 million in Special Education funding increase to ensure all students with disabilities have access to needed services. More is needed to ensure all students have access to Special Education services.
  • $100 million for mental health needs of students.
  • $545,000 increase for monitoring and compliance.
  • $872 million for adequacy investment in Basic Education including Special Education.
  • Teacher recruitment fund which will help with recruiting Special Education teachers.
  • $300 million in facility capital improvements. Ensure that schools consider accessibility features in building upgrades and improve the health and welfare of students.

Department of Labor and Industry:

We support and request your support for the following proposals from the Governor’s Budget in the final budget:

  • Increase of $776,000 to Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to ensure adequate state funding to draw down the full federal match for employment services for people with disabilities.
  • We recommend the following items be included in the final budget that were not in the Governor’s Budget:
    • Address labor contracts to ensure enough Counselors for OVR. Some counties do not have staff in place.
    • Increases for assistive technology. Assistive Technology Foundation and TechOWL.
    • Increases for Centers for Independent Living Centers (State funded).
    • Increase for Pre-Employment Transition Services.

Department of Community and Economic Development:

We support and request your support for the following proposals from the Governor’s Budget in the final budget:

  • Support Housing Project funding – Home repair program $50 million included for home modification/repairs.
  • Keystone Communities – shifted to PA Accessible Housing Program for home modifications (SDHP). Whole Home programs – roofing, heater systems, improvement to home to make it livable.


Department of Transportation:

We support and request your support for the following proposals from the Governor’s Budget in the final budget:

Increase of $280 million to improve transportation for community members.

Support funding for access to assistive technology services.

Department of Aging:

We support and request your support for the following proposals from the Governor’s Budget in the final budget:

Includes funding for OPTIONS waiting list to serve people (not served in waivers).

We recommend the following items be included in the final budget that were not in the Governor’s Budget: Needs of disability community should be included in Aging Our Way, PA (previously known as the Master Plan for Older Adults).


The following organizations are united behind these budget priorities:

The Arc of Pennsylvania

Center for Independent Living of Central PA (CILCP)

Center for independent Living of South Central PA (CILSCPA)

Coalition for HCBS

Community Resources for Independence, Inc. (CRI)

Delaware County Advocacy & Resource Organization

Disability Empowerment Center

Disability Pride Pennsylvania

Disability Rights Pennsylvania

Liberty Resources

PA Inclusive

Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC)

Pennsylvania Statewide Independent Living Council (PASILC)

Pennsylvania Waiting List Campaign (PAWL)

Roads to Freedom Center for Independent Living of North Central PA (RTFCL)

Transitional Paths to Independent Living (TRPIL)

Values into Action

Vision for Equality

Voices for Independence


If you would like to add your agency as a supporter of these disability focused priorities, please contact Natalie Herberg, Policy Officer or 717.346.4453.